The Beaufort Delta Divisional Education Council is the most Northern education body in the Northwest Territories. All eight communities and nine schools are located North of the Arctic Circle. BDDEC serves 1508 students in the region, and is responsible for 328 administrators, teachers and support staff.
BDDEC is governed by a board of elected members. Each District Education Authority (DEA) within the BDDEC elects one representative, normally their chair, to sit on the District Education Council (DEC) board. The DEC elects a Chair (2 year term), Vice-Chair (every year) and Member at Large (every year).
The Inuvialuit Regional Corporation and the Gwich’in Tribal Council appoint one member (each) to the BDDEC board and are voting members. DEA’s meet monthly. The DEC meets three times per year, including two via videoconference and one face-to-face meeting in February.
BDDEC has a strategic plan focused on improvement in Literacy, Indigenous Languages, Numeracy and Social Responsibility. The BDDEC Strategic Plan is co-created with the DEC and Senior Admin Team. BDDEC is currently developing a five year vision to ensure long term sustainable growth for the students of the Beaufort Delta.
Vision: Capable Citizens Through Indigenized Education
Our Beliefs: We believe in quality Tier I instruction that is Indigenized and relevant to our students. Tier II research based interventions can improve barrier skills for students when implemented properly. Tier III interventions should be guided by interagency support. Collaboration is more important than individual competition among professional learning communities. Our students deserve the absolute best efforts from us as an organization at all times. Strong community support will guide our on the land programs and Indigenizing education efforts.

https://schools.bd-dec.ca/bddec-indigenizing-education-newsletter/ 1 Comments

Email kfontaine@bdec.nt.ca or regionalconference2024@bdec.nt.ca if interested in participating. 1 Comments

Check out this employment opportunity. 5 Likes
Mark Romanow will be returning to Inuvik to provide additional counselling support. He will be available at the following times:
Monday, Aug 26 – 2:00pm – 6:00pm
Tuesday, Aug 27 – 8:00am – 12:00pm and … 10 Likes
Just a reminder that all interested individuals can send their completed … 2 Comments
Mark Romanow is a certified counsellor available for appointments until Monday, August 19th, at 6:00pm.
Mark will be located at East Three Elementary School.
You can book an appointment with Mark by calling his toll-free number at 1-877-853-7263.
Any … 20 Likes
Richard Steven McKinnon charged with multiple offences in Inuvik and Ulukhaktok
Richard Steven …
https://schools.bd-dec.ca/bddec-indigenizing-education-newsletter/ 8 Likes
Education in the Beaufort Delta is getting national recognition as the district superintendent has been named the winner of a national award for excellence.
Having served as superintendent of the Beaufort Delta District Education Council (BDDEC) … 6 Comments
Devin Roberts says he shares the award with everyone on his team
Devin Roberts says his recent award for excellence as a school administrator comes from having a strong team and good communication with parents and … 11 Comments
Moving Forward Together: Actioning the Vision in BDDEC – Vol 3 April 2024
https://schools.bd-dec.ca/bddec-office-news/ 7 Likes
The list of current openings is updated daily and can be found here: https://beaufortdeltadec.ca/work-us 1 Comments
Come be principal too 🤣Tara Greenland she is only good at bossing me aroundRyan MacDonald well u apply and then you can boss her around 🤣
https://schools.bd-dec.ca/bddec-office-news/ 9 Likes
The resources include a children’s activity book, a story book about the life cycle of the caribou and a book of … 2 Comments
2023 Silver Recipient
Organizational Excellence®:
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Indigenizing Education
Lessons from the North and a path forward without excuses
What is indigenizing education? This question is gaining relevance as school districts across Canada strive to meet the calls to action from the Truth and Reconciliation Committee. Predictably, most schools reach for low-hanging fruit and populate a list of to-dos to meet the perceived needs of their First Nations communities. Although well-intentioned, this laundry list of seemingly culturally sensitive and relevant interventions misses the mark and, in doing so, absolves educators of guilt without meeting the diverse needs of Indigenous students.
Indigenizing education is not a checklist of tokenisms. It is not just on-the-land instruction. It is not posters of the Calls to Action framed on the wall, and it is not land acknowledgements before school assemblies and board meetings. At its very core, Indigenizing education is a verb and a noun. Anchoring our intentions and actions in our values creates the authenticity that distinguishes contrived actions from genuine care. Indigenizing education is about relinquishing control and allowing Indigenous ways of knowing, doing and being to permeate everywhere, from the schoolyard and the classroom to the board office and the provincial and territorial Departments of Education. It is a paradigm shift that redefines education’s role in modern post-colonialism.
The educational philosophy that frames our intention in the North recognizes Indigenous peoples’ inherent right to self-government and reimagines the meaning of the words to give Indigenous governments indirect and direct jurisdiction over their educational fate. Seizing this opportunity, Yukon Indigenous governments established a First Nations School Board in 2022, assuming shared responsibility with the territorial government to deliver public education reflecting First Nations worldviews. Similarly, but to a lesser extent, the Northwest Territories (NWT) government granted powers to District Education Authorities (DEAs) and Divisional Education Councils (DECs) to determine the governance of schools in their communities, decentralizing decision-making at the administrative and operational levels. Both territories, in recognition of the importance of self-determination and education’s role in this, relinquished control to empower Indigenous communities to determine their educational path: one cognizant of cultural worldviews and the role education plays in fortifying their identity.
That is the first step in indigenizing education: enshrining the right to relevant, culturally appropriate education in legislation and ceding control of its creation and implementation to First Nations.
Two documents were created in the NWT to support schools: Dene Kede and Inuuqatigiit. These are “curricula …informed by a number of philosophical perspectives or worldviews that shape understanding of Dene and Inuit core concepts as well as the traditions of lifelong learning.” The importance of these documents cannot be understated as they form the core from which all instruction, across grades and disciplines, emerges. Elders’ wisdom and teachings are the backbone of education in the North, encompassing the language, culture and indigenous people’s worldview. Their teachings lead to a capable person, “one who has integrity in relationships that honour the self, others, the land, and the spiritual world.” Through these relationships, a capable person grows and develops a more expansive understanding of the essential physical, mental, emotional and spiritual growth involved in the four parts of human development. Since the inception of Dene Kede and Inuuqatigiit, two additional documents have been crafted, the Our Language Curriculum and the Indigenous Language and Education handbook. These documents continue to support and frame the teaching of Indigenous languages in the North.
That is step two: developing a supracurriculum that guides and gives rise to instruction at all implementation levels. The Dene Kede and Inuuqatigiit are not exclusive to one realm, discipline, or aspect of existence. They derive their genesis from all aspects of life: the individual, the community, the land, and the spiritual world—all essential elements of Indigenous education.
Step three is simple: students need to see themselves reflected in schools. Research suggests that students are more engaged with learning when their teachers and school leaders are of the same ethnic background (Holt, Gershenson, and Nicholas, 2016). Gershenson, Hansen & Lindsay (2021) further argue that teacher diversity is critical to teacher quality and efficacy in the classroom, as learning is affected significantly by cultural sensitivity and relationship building. Lastly, Carter Andrews, He, Marciano, Richmond, & Salazar (2021) suggest that decolonizing the curriculum is critical to learning among minorities, thus advocating for cultural sensitivity in the teaching profession. This begs the question, who would be more culturally sensitive to Indigenous students than an Indigenous teacher?
In 2023, the NWT published a committee report outlining steps to increase Indigenous representation in the NWT. This document was highly critical of the lack of progress in certain government areas and proposed more than superficial or cosmetic changes to hiring practices. It actively advocated for Indigenous representation at the highest operational levels, up to and including Assistant Deputy Minister positions as a minimum. Currently, Indigenous representation in the GNWT is approximately 30% (50% of the population in the NWT is indigenous).
In the NWT, the Government has institutionalized many programs aimed at increasing Indigenous representation in all aspects of government. Each departmental agency is expected to map out its long-term strategic plan to increase Indigenous hires, including clear targets for priority hiring, qualification equivalencies, retraining and managerial coaching programs. In education, an affirmative action program exists to help support and prioritize Indigenous applicants to increase their representation in the classroom. This program gives preference to First Nations, Inuit and Metis people and to those who have resided in the NWT for over half their lifetime. Despite an abundance of teacher education programs specific to Indigenous students, such as ITEP at Queens University and Lakehead University, NITEP at UBC, ATEP at the University of Alberta and NSITEP and SUNTEP through the Universities of Regina and Saskatchewan, schools across the country still are unable to meet this very important benchmark of teacher representation.
In the NWT, the throng of Indigenous teachers is primarily localized to Indigenous language teaching. These educators are a key element in Dene Kede and Inuuqatigiit curriculum instruction. They are identified, targeted and mentored early on, trained to become teachers and fast-tracked to support language instruction, an essential aspect of strengthening indigenous culture. Language is culture and culture is language, the two are intimately intertwined. A.L. Krober (1923) is credited with stating that “culture, then, began when speech was present, and from then on, the enrichment of either means the further development of the other.” As such, indigenous language teachers’ nurturing, support and encouragement are of primordial importance when building and fomenting Indigenous values in education. To further support and guide indigenous language instruction, the Department of Education developed materials and documents to (a) legislate the teaching of Indigenous languages and (b) develop criteria for the evaluation of proficiencies.
In the same spirit of authentically bringing cultural teachings to the classroom, schools in the NWT invite the community to participate in the education of the next generation. Programs such as Elders in the Classroom, Culture Camp, On the Land Learning, and many others recruit community elders and knowledge keepers to share their wisdom with students in a non-threatening, open, and genuine manner. These are not one-off macro charismatic events but part and parcel of the school and classroom environment. The biggest challenge facing schools in the North is overcoming stigma and the legacy of trauma from residential schools. Elders are being called upon to become part of a system that, until recently, was a tool for subjugation and mistreatment.
This is step four: Inclusion of the community in the development, implementation, and assessment of Indigenous education, including but not exclusively Indigenous languages. Only when a school accurately represents the community in content and instruction will Indigenous students see themselves reflected in a system that is traditionally at odds with their humanistic values.
Indigenizing education is about more that cultural events, wall displays, and perfunctory statements and platitudes. While these actions are easy to implement and measure, they are superficial. Genuine Indigenization of education requires an overhaul of the system, starting with legislation and ending in the classroom. A faithful commitment to the Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Committee is not measured in superficial gestures of cultural sensitivity but systemic change that enshrines change, protects change, nurtures change, and champions change for a sustainable future that celebrates indigeneity and northern culture.
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Images supplied by South Slave DEC
- Carter Andrews, Dorinda & He, Ye & Marciano, Joanne & Richmond, Gail & Salazar, Maria. (2021). Decentering Whiteness in Teacher Education: Addressing the Questions of Who, With Whom, and How. Journal of Teacher Education. 72. 134-137. 10.1177/0022487120987966.
- Gershenson, Seth; Hansen, Michael; Lindsay, Constance A. (2021) Teacher Diversity and Student Success: Why Racial Representation Matters in the Classroom. Harvard Education Press
- Gershenson, Seth & Holt, Stephen & Papageorge, Nicholas. (2016). Who Believes in Me? The Effect of Student-Teacher Demographic Match on Teacher Expectations. Economics of Education Review. 52. 10.1016/j.econedurev.2016.03.002.
- Kroeber, Alfred Louis. 1923 [1948].Anthropology. New York : Harcourt, Brace and Co.
Additional Reading
- Dene Kede and Inuuqatigiit
- GNWT Education Act
- GNWT HR Manual
- ILE (Indigenous Language and Education) handbook
- Indigenous Development and Training Program
- Indigenous Career and Gateway Program
- Language Proficiencies
- NWT Committee Report on Affirmative ACTION
- NWT Indigenous language policy
- OLC (Our Language Curriculum)
Mackenzie Delta | Arctic
Did you know that the Mackenzie River Delta is the largest in Canada and is home to approximately 25,000 lakes?
In this program, we’ll learn how important the delta is for the locals who rely on it for harvesting, how sonar is being used to map the water ways, and why this is such a special place.
Coming Soon | October 24, 2024
2023-2024 News and Updates
While studying English Literature at UBC, Kyran has become involved in education, working with the Beaufort Delta Divisional Educational Council in Inuvik, Northwest Territories to remodel and decolonize schooling across the region. For his public policy, Kyran worked with Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, a policy advancement firm based in Ottawa, ON that works to advance the rights of all Inuit across the Inuit Nunangat (land occupied by various Inuit in Canada). Kyran has also worked with the Boys and Girls Club in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia.
Kyran Alikamik - https://loranscholar.ca/scholars/kyran-alikamik/
University: University of British Columbia
Location: Inuvik, Northwest Territories
Scholarship: 2021 Ralph M. Barford Loran Scholar
School: East Three Secondary School
About the Loran Scholarship Program - https://loranscholar.ca/
Loran Scholars Foundation
Founded in Toronto in 1988, the Loran Scholars Foundation is a national charitable organization awarding scholarships for students entering university in Canada. Loran Scholars receive the country's largest undergraduate merit award on the basis of character, commitment to service and leadership potential.
Loran Scholars
The Loran Scholars Foundation selects up to 36 students each year for an undergraduate scholarship valued at $100,000. It has been active since 1990. The scholarship is tenable at 25 public universities throughout Canada; however, the lower level awards (provincial awards and finalist awards) can be used at any public Canadian university or college. Twenty-two Loran Scholars have gone on to win Rhodes Scholarships. It consists of annual stipends, a matching tuition waiver, summer internship funding, annual retreats and scholar gatherings, and mentoring over four years of study.
Education in the Beaufort Delta is getting national recognition as the district superintendent has been named the winner of a national award for excellence.
Having served as superintendent of the Beaufort Delta District Education Council (BDDEC) for five years, Devin Roberts has been working to improve education outcomes in the district. That work is starting to bear some fruit — Roberts noted this year 80 per cent of BDDEC students were posting numeracy marks at or above their grade level and added that the district was awarded silver for organizational excellence in 2023 by Excellence Canada. These two improvements, as well as improvements in Canadian achievement test results, prompted the Canadian Association of School System Administrators (CASSA) to name him the 2024 NWT Territorial EXL Award winner.
"I am very honoured to have been selected for this award by my colleagues," said Roberts. "The superintendents association is made up of hard working and inspiring leaders. Therefore, to be honoured by a group of my peers is very special — something I will never forget.
"I share this award with the students and staff. Any recognition our office receives is a reflection of the great work taking place in our schools."
Roberts was nominated for the distinction by his peers with the Northwest Territories Superintendents Association.
He will be presented the award at a ceremony in Montreal in July. Along with the accolades, being named an EXL winner carries with it an honorary lifelong membership in CASSA.
Roberts said he wants to continue implementing a long-term strategic vision for the education council focused on Indigenized education and inquiry.
"I want to support the shift to the British Columbia curriculum as much as possible," he said. "Next year, we are changing in Grade 10. We have a network set up for our high school teachers in Grade 10 to be supported by a consultant from British Columbia. I want to support that network as much as possible. I will be working directly with the principals inquiry network to ensure they are up to date on curriculum changes.
"To make improvements, the vision of the district must be clear and shared. You cannot accomplish great things without everyone working together," Roberts added. "Tapping into people’s 'why' in life and values is another great motivator. For us students, staff and stakeholders all care deeply about education, so uniting with that passion for learning is key."
Devin Roberts says his recent award for excellence as a school administrator comes from having a strong team and good communication with parents and students.
Roberts, the superintendent of the Beaufort Delta Divisional Education Council, will receive the N.W.T. territorial EXL award – a national award for school superintendents – during a national conference in July.
The association that nominated Roberts is comprised of every other superintendent in the N.W.T.
"It's really nice because it comes from all my colleagues and peers I work well with, they're all hard working and great leaders. I learn a lot from the group," Roberts said.
During that conference, all territorial and provincial award winners will be eligible to receive a national award in excellence.
The education council released a series of books in local Indigenous languages this year and are working with publishers to bring local elders' stories to a younger audience with graphic novels.
Krista Cudmore, the vice-superintendent of the Beaufort Delta Divisional Education Council, was one of the nominators to get Roberts the recognition.
Cudmore said Roberts has been working with the students to get their input.
"I think he's had a good response when he has been in the schools," Cudmore said.
"I know that he has started a youth forum with students so when he travels to our communities he makes an effort to meet with these students as well."
Cudmore said that when Roberts is working in an outlying community he makes sure to keep contact with local leadership and holds meetings with staff and students.
"I know that he has put a big effort into trying to recognize the successes of the schools, regionally and also when he goes into each of the communities to make sure that each of their successes is acknowledged," said Cudmore.
Roberts said he wasn't expecting the nomination.
"I was surprised they nominated me and I was really humbled," he said.
Roberts thanks his whole team on the council for their hard work and dedication to the vision they share.
"It's an individual award but you don't accomplish it without a great team, so we have a great senior leadership team, and BDDEC consultants, as well as principals that work really hard," Roberts said.
"Of course what it's about is the students and the teachers and everyone in the schools who work really hard, so I share this award with everyone who is connected with BDDEC and the BDDEC family."
Indigenous Language Children's Books - CBC Northbeat February 07, 2024
Recipient Profile
Beaufort Delta Divisional Education Council
2023 Silver Recipient
Organizational Excellence®
In 2022, BDDEC partnered with Excellence Canada to improve its services to the eight communities it serves in the Beaufort Delta region of the NWT. Our coach, Catherine Neville, conducted interviews with employees, parents/guardians and stakeholders. BDDEC senior leadership promoted the Excellence Canada initiative circulating a letter and text messaging parents/guardians.
Further engagement with BDDEC senior leadership, former superintendent and a graduate student was hosted to ensure a wide variety of feedback was generated, which helped us identify areas of growth for BDDEC. Major changes included the BDDEC Risk Assessment Plan, a new draft EDI policy and this written submission for an Excellence Canada verification. The development of the BDDEC strategic plan also took into consideration feedback from stakeholders.
Under the advisement of Excellence Canada and the feedback provided by community engagement, BDDEC continues to grow and learn as an organization. BDDEC now has a long-term vision for the district which can be found online at: https://schools.bd-dec.ca/vision27/
(top) Graduation ceremony at East Three Secondary School in Inuvik NWT. (bottom) School camp next to Chief Paul Nitdichie School in Tsiigehtchic.
'It's a living document — they should learn what it's all about,' says Inuvialuit elder Gerry Kisoun
A new program in Inuvik, N.W.T., is teaching students about local land claims.
A social studies class at the East Three Secondary School was the first to take the program.
Diane Baxter, the Gwich'in Tribal Council's senior implementation adviser, and Inuvialuit elder Gerry Kisoun were invited to the class to speak with the students.
Baxter spoke about the Gwich'in Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement. Kisoun was able to talk with the class about the Inuvialuit Final Agreement.
"Making it relevant for the students was really important," said social studies teacher Ethan Lavoie.
Lavoie explained the students were able to make their own set of questions for each visitor to ask about the two local land claims.
Kisoun said he is passionate about the Inuvialuit Final Agreement.
"Their parents, their grandparents, their great-grandparents were some of those that sat at that table to help negotiate it," said Kisoun.
"I think it's very important for those students to understand and get better knowledge of what that land claim is. It's a living document — they should learn what it's all about."
The school says the program came from a public suggestion to learn about the local land claims.
Cole Fiedler works for the Beaufort Delta Divisional Education Council.
"One of the calls to action they had for us as a school board was to learn about the local land claims," said Fiedler.
"They wanted it outside of just the Northern Studies class."
Work began to create the program. Steve Dagar, Lavoie and Fiedler reached out to the community to find their local experts and build the framework for what the students would learn.
"We did a bunch of background research with the students on our own," said Fiedler.
The students prepared for the visits by learning about local politics like the Berger Inquiry and history of the region.
"That local contact is what they connect to and what's actually important to them," said Fiedler.
"They are hearing from people that either have studied this for the majority of their life and had personal stake in it, like Diane, or primary sources that were actually around when the land claim was signed, like Gerry Kisoun."
The program will be brought back to the next semester's social studies class.
Dez Loreen is a reporter with CBC North in Inuvik.
TORONTO, October 25th, 2023
Excellence Canada is pleased to announce it will be celebrating the 39th anniversary of the Canada Awards for Excellence on November 17th. This year, 12 awards will be presented to outstanding Canadian organizations in recognition of their commitment to continual improvement and pursuit of excellence. Award categories include: Organizational Excellence, Excellence, Innovation & Wellness®; Healthy Workplace®; and Mental Health at Work®.
Excellence Canada’s mission is to help organizations in all sectors become the best-in-class by implementing standards of excellence. Excellence Canada is a not-for-profit organization that certifies and recognizes organizations that embody these attributes: they are innovative, customer-focused, competitive, financially and environmentally sustainable, are good corporate citizens, actively pursue strategies to improve the mental and physical health and wellbeing of their employees, and they create a healthy workplace culture that attracts and retains the best people.
The Canada Awards for Excellence is an annual awards program established in 1984 that recognizes outstanding achievements by organizations in the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors coast-to-coast across Canada.
Shirlee Sharkey, Chair of Excellence Canada, said, “On behalf of the Board of Directors of Excellence Canada, I am very pleased to present the Canada Awards for Excellence to this year’s award recipients. I would like to extend congratulations to all of these organizations that have met the rigorous standards and requirements through the Canada Awards for Excellence program. You are all truly role-models of excellence.”
Allan Ebedes, President and CEO of Excellence Canada, remarked, “Over the past 39 years we have recognized more than 690 outstanding organizations in the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors that have met the highest standards for quality, excellence, innovation, and healthy workplaces. This year we are delighted to be presenting the coveted Canada Awards for Excellence to 12 excellent organizations. We are also honoured to be presenting the Board of Governors’ Special Recognition of Achievement Awards to three distinguished Canadians: Ajay K. Agrawal, David R. Beatty, and Dr. Samir K. Sinha.”
The awards will be presented at the 2023 Performance Excellence Summit and Canada Awards for Excellence on Friday, November 17th. For complete event details and registration, please visit
For further information, contact:
Allan Ebedes, President and CEO, Excellence Canada, Tel: 416-251-7600, ext. 230
Recipients of the 39th Canada Awards for Excellence, 2023
This award is based on Excellence Canada’s Excellence, Innovation and Wellness® Standard which was developed by Excellence Canada in association with its partners and professionals from across Canada.
Silver Award Recipients
▪ Garantie de construction résidentielle (GCR) – Montréal, Québec
▪ Greenfield Global Quebec Inc. – Varennes, Québec
▪ Logistik Unicorp Inc. – Saint-Jean-sur Richelieu, Québec
▪ Quebec Metallurgy Center – Cégep de Trois-Rivières, Québec
The Excellence Canada Healthy Workplace® Standard was developed in partnership with Health Canada and in association with professionals from the health and wellness sectors.
Platinum Recipient
Gold Award Recipient
▪ Ricoh Canada Inc. – Mississauga, Ontario
Silver Award Recipient
▪ Peel Regional Police – Mississauga, Ontario
This award is based on Excellence Canada’s – Mental Health at Work® framework. The Mental Health at Work® framework was developed by Excellence Canada in association with mental health and work safety professionals from across Canada, and the requirements incorporate principles and practices as outlined in the National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace.
Gold Award Recipient
▪ Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit – Brockville, Ontario
Silver Award Recipient
▪ Across Boundaries: An Ethnoracial Mental Health Centre – Toronto, Ontario
This award is based on Excellence Canada’s Organizational Excellence Standard which was developed by Excellence Canada in association with its partners and professionals from across Canada. It is a robust yet flexible framework that uses a data-driven assessment to find gaps and opportunities for continual improvement in all private and public sector organizations, businesses, and institutions. Through Organizational Excellence Standard implementation and certification, organizations will adopt best practices for sustained excellence and peak performance.
Order of Excellence Recipient
▪ SE Health – Markham, Ontario
Platinum Award–Recipient
▪ Enterprise Technology Strategy, Government Information Technology Ontario (GovTechON), Ministry of Public & Business Service Delivery – Toronto, Ontario
Gold Award Recipient
▪ Students and Enrolment Division, Carleton University – Ottawa, Ontario
Silver Award Recipient
▪ Beaufort Delta Divisional Education Council – Inuvik, Northwest Territories
From time-to-time, the Excellence Canada Board of Governors recognizes individuals who have made a significant contribution to Canadian society and/or the global human condition. Past Award recipients have included Dr. David Suzuki, former Prime Minister The Right Honourable Brian Mulroney, Lt.-General The Honourable Roméo A. Dallaire, The Honourable Flora MacDonald, Sir Richard Branson, Mr. Rick Hansen, Ms. Margaret Trudeau, Rick Mercer, Bianca Andreescu and Mr. Chris Hadfield.
This year, in keeping with the Summit theme “Moving Forward with Excellence”, the Board of Governors is presenting the Special Recognition of Achievement Award to:
• Ajay K. Agrawal, Geoffrey Taber Chair in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto and NBER, in recognition of groundbreaking work in Artificial Intelligence and distinguished service at the Rotman School of Management and the Creative Destruction Lab.
• David R. Beatty, C.M., O.B.E., F.ICD, CFA, Founding Director, The David & Sharon Johnston Centre for Corporate Governance Innovation, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, in recognition of lifelong commitment to advancing Corporate Governance Innovation and fostering education at the Rotman School of Management.
• Dr. Samir K. Sinha, MD, DPhil, FRCPC, AGSF, Peter and Shelagh Godsoe Chair in Geriatrics and Director of Geriatrics, Sinai Health and the University Health Network, Professor of Medicine, Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto and Adjunct Professor of Medicine Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, in recognition of exceptional research and work on developing
Excellence Canada gratefully acknowledges the support of the following organizations that have helped make this year’s events possible.
Industry Sponsors Cocktail Reception Sponsor
Across Boundaries
Carleton University
The Inclusion Project
The Regional Municipality of Durham
The Regional Municipality of York
SE Health
SparkPower Corporation
Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care
CEO Global Network
Networking Break Sponsor Media Sponsor
Wajax Corporation Globe and Mail
About Excellence Canada
Excellence Canada is an independent, not-for-profit corporation that is committed to advancing organizational excellence across Canada. Since 1992, Excellence Canada has helped thousands of organizations become cultures of continuous quality improvement and world-class role models, through its Excellence, Innovation and Wellness® Standard and its four-level progressive methodology.
As a national authority on Quality, Healthy Workplace®, and Mental Health at Work™, Excellence Canada provides excellence frameworks, standards, and independent verification and certification to organizations of all sizes and in all sectors. It is also the custodian and adjudicator of the Canada Awards for Excellence program.
For more information, please contact us:
Excellence Canada
Russ Gahan, Vice President, Operations
Email: [email protected]
O: 416.251.7600 x 249
M: 416.888.3463
The Beaufort Delta Divisional Education Council will soon be offering students prizes ranging from school supplies and gift cards to a trip to Inuvik to go swimming at the Midnight Sun Complex. The new program is a partnership with the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation.